I will be going to Nairobi, Kenya for 8 weeks during the Summer of 2011. Please pray for myself, my team, and ministry going on there currently.. God bless <3

Monday, May 30, 2011

3 DAYS!!! :)

A common question from people I talk to is, "Brandi do you have any fears for when you leave for Kenya?" Well, to be completely honest I do not have any fears. No fears at all! A verse that has been laid on my heart throughout the last several months is Joshua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." I know that God is sending me on this mission with a purpose & I know He is going to use me to do mighty things. I know that wherever I am, my God is there with me, so why do I need to be fearful? I'm not fearful at all, but really, ReAlLy, REALLY excited!!! :)  

God has been preparing me for this journey with where I am staying right now. After the first week of May I was done with my junior year of college and would need somewhere to stay until I left for Kenya. I was placed with a loving, inviting, elderly couple that live in Angola--Gene and Janet. God has taught me so much through living with them! I have been placed in situations where I have been given the opportunity to serve wholeheartedly (Ephesians 6:7-8) whether it be painting at a camp, doing data entry for a non-profit, or helping remodel my future home on campus. God has also been teaching me a lot about marriage. For more information on this check out my blog about marriage click here. God has also been teaching me a lot about patience, something He has been doing for over 2 years now.

While staying in Angola, I have had the chance to share with many people about my upcoming internship. I have 4 church bodies, among many individuals, praying for me. God has blessed me with the opportunity to share about my heart and passion for Kenya and this internship in so many ways. Last semester, I shared in front of a group of 50 or so students at a Christian Campus House worship session. Three weeks ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to share my testimony and about my internship during two different services at a church in Angola. Two weeks ago, I was able to share a video of what life is like in the slums and a little about the internship in front of another congregation. Today, I was introduced before two different services at a church so that I could raise up prayer warriors and the pastor could pray for me. At this same church, I had the opportunity to share with the youth about the ministry I will be a part of in the Mathare Valley. God has blessed me so much through this opportunity to be able to share with others and raise up people to pray for my team, Kenya, and myself.

In 3 days, on June 2nd I will arrive to Indianapolis for training before I leave for the field. It's getting really close to the time for departure, which is making me even more anxious! :) I will be in Indianapolis for training for 5 days. On June 7th, I will board a plan and start the long flights to Nairobi, Kenya. My flight itinerary goes from Indianapolis to NYC-JFK, to London Heathrow, then to Nairobi. While in London I will have a 7 hour overlay where I hopefully will have the opportunity to tour the city with some of my teammates. I will arrive in Nairobi, Kenya on June 9th at 6:45 am!! Please pray for safe travels and for our luggage to arrive to Nairobi intact. 

My plan is to keep this blog and my facebook updated as much as possible throughout the duration of my internship. We will see how God's plan plays out in allowing me to have internet access while there. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. It means so much to me to have the opportunity to share this journey with you! 

In Christ,
Brandi :)

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